Thursday 28 March 2013

Portrait Painting

Lemon Portrait Still Life

Mixing Colours

Skin Tones

Investigating a Palette

Paint Pigments

Magazine Evalation

What was the theme for the project?
The theme for my project is based on a couple of different fashion magazines, such as Bliss, Teen Vogue and Seventeen because they are more for teenagers and are elegant, which is what i wanted my magazine to be based on.

How have you developed your ideas? How did your work change through the project?
I developed my ideas by searching different magazines and picking points out of them, which i could incorporate with my ideas to have on my magazine. By looking at alternative magazines it gave me inspiration of what i could put on my magazine. My work changed throughout the project, because when i added my own main feature of the model for my background, i had to change the colours i already had on my magazine, which were a light pink, to a raspberry red to go with the colour of the models lipstick, Also when i changed my main feature i changed my fonts to suit what the image and what type of magazine i wanted my magazine to be, so i changed the fonts so they contrast well together.

How many photographs did you take? Do you think you should have done more or less?
I took about 10 photographs but then i narrowed it down to a few, to chose from, so i had a variety of  images to chose from. Although i think i could have taken more photos, so i had more of a different variety to chose from, of my model.

What artists or designers have you looked at to help and inspire you?
When i started to make my magazine i used Cara Delevingne as my main feature because i thought she was a good fashionable icon, which would help to put across that i wanted my magazine to be about fashion. She was up to date with her fashion and many people know who she is as well.  I also looked at Bliss, Elle, Teen Vogue and Seventeen magazines for inspiration because those magazines are based on fashion and that is what type of magazine i wanted mine to be. By looking at them it really helped me to develop and advance my magazine and inspire me to include the cover lines on it as well.

What materials, tools and techniques did these artists use? Think about lighting and wardrobe.
The materials that the artists used were plain but effective because they contrasted well with what they were trying to portray in them image. The models facial expressions were simple, focused and looked quite serious showing that they are dominant in the image, because they are going to be the main feature of the magazine cover. Also the lighting that they used on the photo's were effective because it made the images look neat and you can see the image clearly and there isn't dark patches on the photograph. by using good lighting it made the photo look more clear and you can see the models facial expressions clearer and just all in all makes the photo look better, and professional.

How have your skills developed during the project? Photography and Photoshop.
I have used many different tools, when creating my magazine cover, such as the levels tool on Photoshop which helped me to make the white on my background of the main feature, brighter so that the model on the main feature stand out more and look clearer. Also on Photoshop i used the blemish tool on my model, to make   the image look smooth and flawless. To get different fonts on my magazine cover, i used , so i could find appropriate fonts that would go well with what type of magazine, mine was going to be. By finding different fonts, i managed to make my magazine look more professional. I used another tool on Photoshop called the ink drop tool, i used that tool because i was able to take colours out if my main feature and add them to the text, so the colours all go well together. Another tool i used on Photoshop was the shape tool, which i used to create the splash on my magazine cover. On Photoshop i also used the magic wand tool, so i could remove the background from around the barcode, so that it didn't look messy and i was able to add it onto my magazine cover and i also used a tool which i used to outline some on the text i have on my magazine cover so that it stands out and is clear to read. When i took the pictures to go on my magazine, i learned that you needed good lighting, so you could see the model clearly.

Are there any aspects of your studies that you wish you had explored further?
I wish that i looked further into Photoshop, i could have used more tools and i could have then used them on my magazine. I also could have looked at more alternative magazines to get more ideas for me magazine cover and they could have also given me more inspiration for what to include on my magazine.

How have you used formal elements such as line, tone, colour and shape?
I have used colours out of the main feature, for some of the text and for the masthead on my magazine cover. I have used the colours that are on my magazine because i thought that they all went well together and were appropriate for what type of magazine my is. I used a circle shape, to go behind the price of the magazine because it helped to make it stand out, so it was clear and i also used a square shape on my magazine because i thought it looked more professional and neat.

What materials did you use, and why? Did they work successfully?

What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful?
I wanted my magazine cover to send across the message that it was about fashion and about what new styles will be coming out in the different seasons. I think that them message were sent across successfully and people understood what type of magazine mine was.

Are you happy with your final piece? Are there any elements you like in particular?
Yes, i am happy with my final piece, i like how the images contrast well together and that they help to make my magazine look clear and professional and i also like how the fonts are well suited to the type of magazine that i wanted it to be. i also like how the text is all set out and is clear to read and how the are all appropriate for my magazine.

Is there anything you would change? Why?
I think i would ad a couple more cover lines because then the magazine cover would really engage people to reading the magazine and it would also help to put the point across that it is a elegant fashion magazine.

Peer Crit

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Similar magazines

My Final Design

What was the theme for the project?
The theme for the project was based on the poem by Roald Dahl, "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf'. We had to draw key points out of the poem, so we were able to create our book cover.

How have you developed your ideas? How did your work change through the project?
I have developed my ideas by experimenting different ideas for the front on my book cover and then eventually i was able to find the idea i liked and wanted for the front of my book cover. In lesson we also created different drawings by using different techniques that i hadn't used before. By using these different techniques i was able to draw/create images that i would be able to use on my book cover. My work changed throughout the project because my first idea i drew for my front cover i ended up changing because i did i created a drawing of a wolf using charcoal and i thought that it would look more effective for the front of my book cover. By the end of the project my book cover has changed from my first idea i was going to do.

How much reference material did you find? Do you think you should have done more or less?
I found some resources for myself but, for the future projects i will need to find more reference material myself, instead of just using the resources i have been given by my teacher.

What artists or designers have you looked at to help and inspire you?
The artist that i looked at to help me with my ideas was Scott Campbell, we got to create drawing using gouache, by creating these different drawing, it helped me with my ideas for creating different drawings and helping me towards my final book cover.

What materials, tools and techniques did these artists use?
The techniques i got from the artist Scott Campbell was how to use gouache and how to make it look effective. I created a few images using the gouache which i could have used on my book cover but i decided not too.

How have your skills developed during the project?
My skills have improved a lot since i started this project, i have improved my drawing skills and i have learnt many different techniques, such as how to use gouache and using charcoal to create affective drawings. By learning all these  different techniques, it has helped me to create different ideas and inspired me to make my final book cover.

Are there any aspects of your studies that you wish you had explored further?
I wish i had studied the gouache technique more so i could interpret them into my work and also so i could really work on the technique itself.

How have you used formal elements such as line, tone, colour and shape?In my work i have varied the tones, in my work which helped to create my book cover and i have tried to use different elements of work that i had created in lesson and use it on my book cover. I used different techniques that i learnt how to do as well.

What materials did you use, and why? Did they work successfully?The materials that i had used were charcoal, gouache, chalk, pencil and ink, and they all worked successfully and helped develop my ideas.

What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful?I wanted my book cover to go with what the book is actually about and so it linked with the poem that we had read which we created our drawings from the ideas in the poem. The message i wanted to convey is that it is what the title of the book is called which is "The Gruesome Poems of Roald Dahl."

Are you happy with your final piece? Are there any elements you like in particular?Yes, i am happy with my final piece of work which i created and i really like the different text styles which i used on my work,i think they went well with what my book cover looked like and i am happy because i used some of the drawings which i had created in lesson time, using all the techniques which i had learnt.

Is there anything you would change? Why?
I think i would change the back of my cover maybe add in something different to the back of my book cover, which i had created,to make it look more interesting and appealing. 

Draft book cover